Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coming of John WEB Dubois Analysis Essay

The veil is symbolic of ignorance. John was oppressed but didn’t know it. After returning home from the north he sees his world like he never saw it before, and his old world sees how much he’s changed. This is evident with this narration â€Å"He grew slowly to feel almost for the first time the Veil that lay between him and the white world; he first noticed now the oppression that had not seemed oppression before, differences that erstwhile seemed natural, restraints and slights that in his boyhood days had gone unnoticed or been greeted with a laugh. He felt angry now when men did not call him â€Å"Mister,† he clenched his hands at the â€Å"Jim Crow† cars, and chafed at the color-line that hemmed in him and his. † His new consciousness and level of knowledge allows him a certain regard of freedom from the rest of his race. This knowledge is indicative that he no longer identifies with his old traditions. This is evident when after returning home he gives a speech at the church in which he talks of the importance of education and learning, this idea is foreign to the people he is preaching to, however he did strike a critical nerve with the people after denouncing the need for baptism and religion. However some of the people see this and want to be educated, but are not in an environment and not cultured to do so. This is evident when her sister came to him after he was finished speaking at the church. â€Å"Long they stood together, peering over the gray unresting water. John,† she said, â€Å"does it make everyone—unhappy when they study and learn lots of things? † He paused and smiled. â€Å"I am afraid it does,† he said. â€Å"And, John, are you glad you studied? † â€Å"Yes,† came the answer, slowly but positively. She watched the flickering lights upon the sea, and said thoughtfully, â€Å"I wish I was unhappy, —and—and,† putting both arms about his neck, â€Å"I think I am, a little, John. † Being unhappy in this context means being wise, she recognizes that her brother has become educated and wise to the oppression of her race. All of this comes to a head in his conflict with the judge after informing him of his purpose and his place. After this meeting the term veil is used in a different context, this time to mean as a shield, he is hiding his contempt and true feelings for the town that he no longer feels connected and identified with, and also tyranny the judge advances after first informing him of his â€Å"place† and the â€Å"place† of his people, and how he would be allowed to start his school, but no real education or equality could be taught. John’s school is his symbolic â€Å"passing the rubicon†. Which leads ultimately leads to his final frustration of his school being shut down after the Judge hears of him deliberately disobeying his orders not to give a real education there. This story is a perfect case for why education is ultimately the most important factor in achieving ultimate equality and freedom. Without education, there is no advancement and no need for critical thought, without critical thought than there would be no reason for you to ever question your oppressed position, because you would not know you are being oppressed. I believe Thomas Jefferson sums up this sentiment perfectly, when he said, â€Å"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people†¦ They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. † Without people knowing that there is alternatives to their current state of existence, there will be those who will fool them and rule over them, often under the guises of offering safety of security, or in the case of the judge, â€Å"reasonable aspirations†.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kant Categorical Imperative Essay

Kant’s Categorical Imperative is made up of two formulations, Formula of Universal Law and The Formula of the End in Itself. The first formulation is best described by the following statement, â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction. † (Kant, 1785, 1993). What does this mean? A maxim is the fundamental rule of conduct or your moral belief upon which you chose to act. A universal law is a law that everyone must follow regardless of the outcome. How do we determine if the maxim can become universal? One of the first things to do is to ask yourself if it would be acceptable that everyone do the same thing that you are considering doing in that situation. We were given several examples in The Elements of Moral Philosophy and the one that made the most impact was â€Å"suppose a man needs money, but no one will lend it to him unless he promises to pay it back-which he knows he won’t be able to do. Should he make a false promises to get the loan? † (Rachels, 2012). If this happened the maxim or universal rule would be anytime you need a loan tell a lie that you will repay it and you will get the loan. This is not something that everyone would be willing to do because you will no longer believe others when they tell you this statement and no one would be willing to make the loans. The second thing you should do to determine if the maxim can become universal is look at your answer to the first question. Did you say â€Å"yes, I think that everyone will do it? †. If so, then ask yourself if it makes rational sense to want everyone in the same situation to do what you are contemplating doing. If your answer was no to either question then your maxim cannot become universal law because it is not considered moral. Overall, based on Kant, an act is morally right only if the primary rule of behavior, which is how you decide to act morally, can constantly and universally relate to you and others. The second formulation is best described by the following statement, â€Å"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end. † (Kant, 1785, 1993). Basically, this means that morality consists of doing your duty to treat people, including yourself, and an end, never as a means to an end. Kant combined the second formulation with the first because we have a perfect duty to not use the humanity of ourselves or others merely as a means to some other end. Most ends are somewhat subjective because they need only be pursued if they are in line with some particular hypothetical imperative that a person may choose to adopt. (Categorical Imperative Explained, 2012). The second formulation also leads to the imperfect duty to further the ends of ourselves and others. If any person desires perfection in themselves or others, it would be their moral duty to pursue that end for all people equally, so long as that end does not contradict perfect duty. The question of whether or not Kant adequately addresses the problems evident in comparison of the two formulations cannot be summed up with a simple yes or no answer. He makes a good argument for both sides just as he opposes both sides. The difference is whether or not we have the right moral sense to determine why and how our decisions affect ourselves and others. Kant shows that you have struggles when rationality and practicality are conveyed to cover the same matter. So after all this we ask the question, â€Å"How plausible is the theory? † I think that it is a logical theory that clearly assists in making decisions. It provides a plausible account of morality because you can look at others and have a tendency to complete your actions based on those of others. Kantianism is a more consistent theory because it can be universally applied to all. It is more believable because even if the penalties of carrying out an action aren’t necessarily the best, the individual is still obligated to perform the action because it is their duty to do so. Kant’s theory focuses on the motivation of actions and has a clear and distinctive set of universal rules, and is morally sound. Consequently, ethically and morally they are doing the right thing. Bibliography Categorical Imperative Explained. (2012, April 12). Retrieved from Everything Explained: http://everything. explained. at/categorical_imperative/ (1993). In J. W. Ellington, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (p. 30). Hackett. Kant, I. (1785, 1993). Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals 3rd ed.. . In J. W. Wllington. Hackett. Rachels, J. (2012). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. McGraw-Hill. Reason – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reason Chicago: Reason – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reason (accessed April 17, 2012). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://jamesrachels. org/78improvedsentences. htm Chicago: The Elements of Moral Philosophy, http://jamesrachels. org/78improvedsentences. htm (accessed April 17, 2012).

Indian Society and Social Systems in India

Indian society is multifaceted to an extent perhaps unknown in any other of the world's great civilizations. Virtually no generalization made about Indian society is valid for all of the nation's multifarious groups. Comprehending the complexities of Indian social structure has challenged scholars and other observers over many decades. The ethnic and linguistic diversity of Indian civilization is more like the diversity of an area as variable as Europe than like that of any other single nation-state. Living within the embrace of the Indian nation are vast numbers of different regional, social, and economic groups, each with different cultural practices. Particularly noteworthy are differences between social structures in the north and the south, especially in the realm of kinship systems. Throughout the country, religious differences can be significant, especially between the Hindu majority and the large Muslim minority; and other Indian groups–Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Jews, Parsis, Sikhs, and practitioners of tribal religions–all pride themselves on being unlike members of other faiths. Access to wealth and power varies considerably, and vast differences in socioeconomic status are evident everywhere. The poor and the wealthy live side by side in urban and rural areas. It is common in city life to see a prosperous, well-fed man or woman chauffeured in a fine car pass gaunt street dwellers huddled beneath burlap shelters along the roadway. In many villages, solid cement houses of landowners rise not far from the flimsy thatched shacks of landless laborers. Even when not so obvious, distinctions of class are found in almost every settlement in India. Urban-rural differences can be immense in the Indian Society. Nearly 74 percent of India's population dwells in villages, with agriculture providing support for most of these rural residents. In villages, mud-plastered walls ornamented with traditional designs, dusty lanes, herds of grazing cattle, and the songs of birds at sunset provide typical settings for the social lives of most Indians. In India's great cities, however, millions of people live amidst cacophony–roaring vehicles, surging crowds, jammed apartment buildings, busy commercial establishments, loudspeakers blaring movie tunes–while breathing the poisons of industrial and automotive pollution. Gender distinctions are pronounced. The behavior expected of men and women can be quite different, especially in villages, but also in urban centers. Prescribed ideal gender roles help shape the actions of both sexes as they move between family and the world outside the home. Crosscutting and pervading all of these differences of region, language, wealth, status, religion, urbanity, and gender is the special feature of Indian society that has received most attention from observers: caste. The people of India belong to thousands of castes and castelike groups–hierarchically ordered, named groups into which members are born. Caste members are expected to marry within the group and follow caste rules pertaining to diet, avoidance of ritual pollution, and many other aspects of life. Given the vast diversity of Indian society, any observation must be tempered with the understanding that it cannot apply to all Indians. Still, certain themes or underlying principles of life are widely accepted in India.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How should we use the public space Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How should we use the public space - Essay Example This essay deals with public spaces and private interests, which clash to abridge our rights. Let us look for a meaning of the two words ‘public space’. Word ‘Public’ is an adjective which connotes ‘open to all / accessible to all / not private, and, the word ‘Space’ is a noun meaning in this context, ‘an area / expanse’. So in essence, a public space is an expansive area, open to all and one which is not private. Or so, as most of us would like to think. Historically speaking public spaces always existed. The agoras of the ancient Greeks, the chaupals of the northern India and the temple premises of the southern India, the Hyde Park in London are some of the examples of public spaces where people gathered to participate in public discourses. Public interaction and free exchange of opinions and ideas have always resulted in progress of social, political and economical awareness, for the good of the humanity. Modernization and migration of rural populations to urban areas had a significant impact on the traditional meaning and purpose of public spaces. Rampant commercialization is encroaching more and more into our open spaces. Large open spaces with natural endowments like trees, brooks, hills, green fields and meadows are now confined to countryside only and are non-existent in cities, towns and suburbs. While the populations are shifting to suburban areas for reasons of cleaner air and peaceful environs, the natural open spaces even in those areas are also being converted to shopping malls, manicured gardens, water sport centers or walking tracks with a toll gate! These are the neo-public spaces with a private fee, like the neocons with an axe or two to grind. The fast pace of life leaves us practically no time for a stroll round the corner for a quiet chat. With the electronic media blaring its ‘breaking news’ every

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discuss the differences between Hamilton's and Jefferson's views on Essay

Discuss the differences between Hamilton's and Jefferson's views on politics, society and economics. Were there any areas of agreement between the two Which view(s) do you find most compelling Explain - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to underscore the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson’s views on politics, society and economics. Both luminaries contributed immensely towards these subjects. Finseth lays bare the political wrangles that existed between Hamilton and Alexander. The Constitutional Convention of June 18, 1787 expressed Hamilton’s radicalism. Hamilton differed vehemently with the Republicans who did not agree with his ideas of establishing social and political strata. His view is that the noble and rich fellows of society belong to a class of the intelligent. They have both foresight and far-sight and are therefore more qualified to execute the measures put in place to rule the public. The others, Hamilton purports, are petty self-seekers who cannot be entrusted with the running of the state affairs. He proposed to have a president for life, one who could not be subject to the erratic and indecisive electorate. This political philosophy was very distinctive. Hamiltons other success sprung from his plan that the central government clear all the debts that states had sustained during the war. He argued that this war was for the whole union and it was incumbent upon the union to take up responsibility to settle it for its good. This assumption invited a series of criticism threatening to overcome the entire plan. The whole idea was deemed to fail and lead to the disintegration of the union, thanks to an informal dinner arranged by Jefferson. In an alleged and economic conspiracy, Hamilton’s assumption was passed with an agreement to have the Federalists consent to set the national capital on the Potomac. The bill was passed and Hamilton’s plans carried the day. He went in full favor of the plan for he believed that it was the best thing that ever happened to the United States, the best hope for an efficient union. He was not alone in believing that the potential consequences of rejecting the Constitution would breed less

Saturday, July 27, 2019

OSHA Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OSHA Standards - Essay Example In addition to this the training should be safe for all parties involved and others. Training is supposed to be both theoretical and practical with evaluation of performance. The standard goes ahead to outline the various topics to be covered by operators some being operating instructions, differences between trucks and automobiles, steering and manoeuvring, stability and capacity among others (OSHA, 2011). Operators are also required to undergo refresher training in stances where they are found to perform unsafe operations, near-miss accident situations, a different truck is to be operated, changes in workplace conditions and many others (OSHA, 2011). General evaluation of operators is to be conducted after every three years. Approval should go with certification showing that the operator has undergone training and evaluation. This standard is good in ensuring that accidents and injuries related to powered industrial trucks are minimised. However, it is not an adequate standard basi ng this on certain aspects; refresher training seems to be only necessary in case an operator portrays some level of notable incompetence. It further stipulates that refresher training should be conducted after every three years.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Obesity in children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obesity in children - Essay Example (House of Commons Health Committee, 2004) For this study, the researcher will determine the main causes of obesity as well as its negative effects on a child’s health, psychosocial and cognitive developmental. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will provide some recommended strategies that could effectively counteract obesity. Obesity is not only a serious health condition such as eating disorders but also a lifestyle problem that is visible within a person, family, and the society. (House of Commons, 2004) In fact, several studies show that obesity is caused by abnormal food intake or poor diet (Styne, 2005), genetic factor such as a metabolic defect (Roth et al., 2004; Rosmond, 2002) or the leptin deficiency and the use of steroids (Link et al., 2004). Lifestyle and sedentary behavior like ‘playing computer game or watching TV while eating’ is also associated with obesity. (Tremblay & Willms, 2003; Swinburn & Egger, 2002) The major cause of obesity is not certain because each person has different capacity of burning calories. (Jebb & Prentice, 1995) Binge eating or the habit of being unable to control over eating could lead to obesity. Due to the inability to control the amount of food they eat, individuals who have binge eating problems have a frequent episodes of eating significantly large amount of food all at the same time. (de Zwaan & Mitchell, 1992) For this reason, obese individuals tend to continuously eat even when they are already uncomfortably full. The health consequences of people with binge eating problems are related to the diseases that can be observed among the obese individuals. This includes health problems such as: (1) high blood pressure; (2) Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM); (3) high blood pressure; (4) atherosclerosis; (5) high cholesterol levels; (6) gallbladder disease; (7) atherosclerosis; (8) cerebral hemorrhage; (9)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Podcasts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Podcasts - Essay Example In this scenario, subscribers are able to listen to podcasts using their computers, rather than sending them to a portable audio player. In fact, it is expected that coming editions of podcasting will include video signal. In this scenario, the cell phones with video potential will be capable of playing video podcasts. Actually, Adam Curry presented the idea of Podcasting. The application of this idea rose extensively with the emergence of networks and radio making material available for podcast fans. According to a research conducted by â€Å"USA Today† in February 2005 stated that over 3,300 podcast applications were available, immediately few months after its opening (Egger; Kayne; Lesinski, Walker and Leveque). Moreover, innovative technology based media has often replaced older media. However, it immediately does not take place that way. In fact, there are various aspects that turn out to be strictly out-of-date and have been replaced because of harsh boundaries they had (smoke signals are not that well-known any longer) however by and large, latest and innovative technology based media immediately supplements older media. Though, gestures did not turn out to be out of date for the reason that of speech. Additionally, the speech did not move away for the reason that of writing. In the same way, books did not put back the trend of letters. In addition, radio did not make books go absent, and neither did TV replace radio. On the other hand, the media backdrop is developing and the various kinds of media are affecting each other. Since people usually like to watch the Super Bowl on TV in place of listening to it on the radio. However, that is not equivalent "replacement". Additionally, radio certainly had to alter when TVs turned out to be well-known, however on the alternately, the number of radio stations almost certainly has augmented in those days (Egger; Kayne; Lesinski, Walker and Leveque). In this scenario, we have

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

PHYLOSOPHY FINAL ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

PHYLOSOPHY FINAL - Essay Example to as â€Å"zombies† will eventually crumble and fall, in addition to that never at one time shall an artificial creation equal or even outdo human thinking and cognitive ability. In addition, the essay will evaluate the two arguments and give a personal supported opinion that is against computationalism, the reason being the impossibility of scientists to create systems similar to humans’, thus the weakness of Dennett’s argument. Dennett (1994) argues that someday, robots will be made that will be able to function just like humans do. To him, human beings are â€Å"†¦a sort of robot ourselves†¦with extraordinarily complex self-controlling, self-sustaining physical mechanisms, designed by natural selection†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He admits that it is a wild ambition to imagine that a human replication can succeed in triumphing over nature by creating an artificial human, but it is not unachievable. The main point of his argument is based on his perspective that a consciousness machine is in no way different from a perpetual one in that both can be programmed to execute specific functions by use of physical processes. The only constriction that [his] project would encounter are the expensive costs of assembling billions of minute mechanisms to direct the robots’ actions. First of all, a robot is a material thing, whereas it is common sense that consciousness requires materialism to exist, a theory of dualism. What this means is that what a man can create will only utilize materials such as metals, plastic, wires, chips and so on, but these are never going to make anything with the ability to think on its own. The reason for that is because there is more to the human being than just the material part; the mind which is not physical, and that is what controls intelligence. Dennett counters this perspective as follows; he defines the notion of immaterial stuff as â€Å"mere superstition since all body processes are today defined and explained and understood through today’s

Assessing Risk perception and Insurane Knowledge in Accra, Ghana Literature review

Assessing Risk perception and Insurane Knowledge in Accra, Ghana - Literature review Example Conventional policies have been used even though they are not necessary because the crisis in the Ghanaian insurance industry is not as acute as in some African countries. This has made a majority of the people in this city to participate in large scale asset purchasing and other business ventures with the aim of achieving stabilization in their lives and creation of employment (Buatsi, 2002). It has encouraged these individuals to turn towards the acquisition of insurance policies because of the risks involved in the diverse number of businesses that they are involved in despite the fact that the government policies that have been employed have created significant amounts of uncertainty with regards to their effectiveness hence proving the fact that its policies are not farsighted (Chalfin, 2008). One important channel that has come to affect the insurance policies is the currency value and much evidence shows that the depreciation of the currency value over the history of the count ry has tended to discourage individuals from subscribing for different insurance policies. The insurance policies in Ghana have been made in a manner that is relatively predictable and in asystematic way, the methods of advertising to the public by insurance companies has provided the latter with the necessary knowledge to know what type of policies to select for themselves. The key factors in these policies were aimed at being short term interest rates, and exchange rates together with monetary aggregates that could undergo adjustments in a free manner. One reason why many individuals choose to take insurance policies in this city is not necessarily to secure themselves against any potential losses but as a form of investment where they tend to put their spare money into what they consider to be worthwhile investments (Anim-Odame, 2012). Market expectations may also be considered to be a reason why individuals choose to purchase insurance policies because they believe that if anyth ing happens to the property which they have insured, then they will be able to recover it in a short time span from the insurance company. When normal rigidities in the insurance sector occur, changes in normal returns have an effect on the number of people who are interested in insuring themselves and this has over time been reflected in the economic decisions that were real which included investments and consumptions, as individuals opt to undertake lesser risks rather than purchase insurance policies. This has been observed to have an effect on the insurance sector as insurance companies compete to ensure that they attract a larger clientele than their rivals through the offering of insurance packages which are likely to encourage unlikely insurance policy purchasers to do so. While this has been the case in Accra, one of the biggest effects in the market was the global financial crisis which in the past few years has come to challenge the insurance industry of Ghana in three dif ferent ways. These have come to include financial disruptions that are wide spread, broke arbitrage conditions which hinders policy transmission on the yield curve; there is the presence of heightened vulnerability that leads to freezing of the markets, this is because there is the presence of self-fulfilling equillibria that is badly coordinated, and lastly there is severe recession that pushes the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Google in the Mobile Handset Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Google in the Mobile Handset Market - Essay Example erious matter of market debate that Google’s decision to access mobile handset market with its ‘Nexus One’ can be a ‘next one’ revolution in the consumer technology. This piece of research work presents a market analysis of Google’s Nexus One mobile handset with different tools like SWOT, PESTEL and five force analyses. This work focuses on the growth and expansion of Google’s new mobile brand, the competitive environment and its effect on the business and how can Google deal with opportunities and threats. Google is very strong brand with $125 billion worth and an annual revenue of $10 billion. Google’s access to mobile handset market with its Nexus one’ Android phone shows that it is right time to come to dominate the market. David (2010) finds that there is plenty room for every Smartphone marketer to grow. There can be various diversities that consumers are highly demanding for it. By 2012, American smart-phone sales will reach 525 million making up of all cell-phones sold. There are amble opportunities for brands to thrive. In the next three month, around 20 % of Americans are planning to buy an iPhone, and a surging 17% are aiming at purchasing an Android product. Google’s new Nexus One can enhance those numbers since it runs on Android system (Christian Science Monitor, MasterFILE Premier). According to latest data from comScore, Apple’s and Google’s market share of the smart-phone in inching up while other leading brands like RIM are slowly loosing (Cheng, 2010, Cheng (2010) figured out that from September 2009 to December 2009, the overall market trend was very positive to Google. RIM and Microsoft have lost around 1 % in its sales and Palm has reduced sale by around 2.2 %, Apple’s Smart-phone was up by 1.2 % and Google’s smart-phone reported a 2.7 % increases in its market share (Cheng, 2010, SWOT analysis is conducted to present an analysis of the current position of the business and it

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Raven - Edgar Allan Poes Essay Example for Free

The Raven Edgar Allan Poes Essay Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is one of the most significant writers in the American history. Well known for its mystery and horror stories he is considered part of the Romantic movement in US and the inventor of detective fiction genre. On January 29, 1845 he publishes his poem The Raven in the Evening Mirror which granted him with immense fame (Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography 1941). The editor of the publishing newspaper wrote: It is the most effective single example of â€Å"fugitive poetry† ever published in this country; and unsurpassed in English poetry for subtle conception, masterly ingenuity of versification, and consistent, sustaining of imaginative lift and â€Å"pokerishness. † It is one of these â€Å"dainties bred in a book† which we feedon. It will stick to the memory of everybody who reads it(Evening Mirror, New York, January 29, 1845). The poem is of great artistic merit, it exudes many emotions and arise many feelings. Every reading of the poem gives new experience and new feelings but when You got familiar with Poes life a inevitable question is arising. Putting together The raven and Poes life we can see that the place where the poem is written corresponds to the room where the action of the story is held in addition the raven represents Poes inner self, furthermore for the image of the narrator Poe uses for prototype himself and all these lead to the conclusion that The Raven is Poes own view about his fate. The correspondence between the time and the settings of the poem and the time and conditions it was written supports the idea of coherence between the story of the poem and the prediction for the future that lies before the author. The Raven was published in January 29, 1845, according to The New York Times at that time Poe and his wife Virginia lived at a farm house in New York. In 1844 the farm house was away from the city. Poes home stood on a rocky and commanding eminence a few hundred feet of 84 Street and St. Nicholas Boulevard, at that time Manhattan was a country north of Greenwich Village otted with tiny hamlets(The New York Times January 1, 1908). This distant and isolated house was his sanctuary giving him solitude from the world outside. We can see quite the same at the opening of the poem with depiction of the room. The room is closed claustrophobic place well furnished with lots of books and heavy curtains which give a sense of isolation And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (line 13) Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door (line 68) Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking (line 69). Isolation and solitude is was the narrator is seeking in order to surcease the inner pain and sorrow. What is more the time of the action in the poem and the time of its writing is the same winter. The poem was published in January 29 and the process of the writing can take us a month back in December. December is the time in which the action in the poem is held. The view from Poes distant house away from the city during the winter is only bare uplands which co-responds to the description he gave bleak December at the beginning of the second stanza Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December (line 7). In a nutshell the place, in which he lived at the time of the writing of The Raven, resembles the place in which the action takes place. Another evident in favor of the statement that the poem corresponds exactly to the view about Poes fate is the fact that he uses himself for prototype of the protagonist in the poem. The narrator possess many books which refers that he is well educated and intelligent as Poe himself. The protagonist is suffering from great inner pain and sorrow and vainly hoping for a cure Is there—is there balm in Gilead? —tell me—tell me, I implore! (line 89) as does Poe at the time, according to Arthur Quinn , in which the poem was published his great love Virginia had been sick from Tubercolosis for three years, her death is inevitable and Poe is aware of it (Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography 1941). Another confirmation is the fact that the narrator is using the books for distraction from the painful reality which Poe had been doing for a long time Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary / Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore (lines 1- 2). In brief the narrator is a mirror image of Edgar Allan Poe. The fact that The Raven represents Poes inner personality confirms the statement that the poem is Poe foresight about his fate. We can see the manner in which Poe rites The Raven with capital R which tells us that it is not any raven. Well known for his macabre stories full with horror, this ebony bird is his black soul, his sinister mind. His talk with the bird asking if he will be or will be not again reunited with his beloved Lenore in the after life is a symbol of his inner doubts and desires Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn (line 93) It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore— (line 94) Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore. line 95). Another confirmation is the conversation with the bird in which he is begging for nepenthe to release him from sorrow but his request is not fulfilled which represents Poes inner inability to free himself from the pain Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore; (line 82) Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore! (line 83)† Quoth the Raven â€Å"Nevermore. †(line 84) An additional element leading to the conclusion that the ominous bird is a personification of Poes inner self is the way how he writes Hope and Hopes with capital H, referring both to the bird and to the narrator On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before. (line 59)/ Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore (line 65). In other word the raven is a representation of Poes inner self. To cut a long story short the poem The Raven is Poes view about his own fait. In The Raven the action is held in a place which resembles the house that Poe and his wife Virginia inhabited, also in the story Poe gives life to his dark inner self trough the image of the raven, who took the life of the narrator which prototype is Poe himself. Though the cause of Poes death is unclear, according to Jeffrey Meyers and Charles scriber, Poe had died from Delirium Tremens alcohol poisoning (Edgar Allan Poe Jeffrey Meyers, Charles Scriber, 1992) responsible for which is Poe himself or in particular his inner inability to resist the need of alcohol. In other words the foresight had been fulfilled.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Home Homeless Housing

Home Homeless Housing This essay will begin by defining homelessness and who it affects. Following this will look at the National Assistance Act 1948 followed by The Housing (Homeless Persons Act) 1977 which imposed a duty on authorities to tackle the problem of homelessness. The Housing Act 1996 will be discussed and also various statistics given. The Homelessness Act 2002 will also be discussed and finally how the prevention of homelessness is seen as a priority for the government and the strategies which they have implemented to house the homeless. Most poor people live in some sort of home or permanent shelter. However, those who do not, the homeless, have become very visible in the streets of cities over the past twenty years (Giddens, 1997). According, to Giddens (1997), â€Å"Like poverty, homelessness isnt as easy to define as we might imagine. Two generations ago, most people still thought of ‘home as the family home. Homeless people were seen as individuals who lived in hostels on skid row. They were called homeless because they lived alone and rarely saw their families or kin†. Over the past 30 years, much more people have come to live alone by choice and therefore the homeless have become defined as people who have nowhere to sleep, and who either stay in free street shelters on a temporary basis or sleep in places not meant for habitation, such as doorways, on park benches, in railway stations or in derelict buildings (Giddens, 1997). Most of the homeless according to Giddens, (1997) â€Å"are people who find themselves on the streets because they have experienced personal disasters, such as parents or relatives and friends no longer able or willing to accommodate, breakdown of relationship with partner, mortgage default or rent arrears and loss of private rental dwellings and loss of service tenancy or other reasons†. Meanwhile, according to the housing action group Shelter, homelessness had grown by 300 per cent between 1978 and 1992 (Giddens, 1997). Local authorities in England and Wales registered 450,000 people as living without a semi-permanent residence during 1995 (Haralambos et al; 1995). Furthermore, according to Haralambos et al; (1995), â€Å"Shelter estimated there were a further 1.7 million unofficial homeless. These consisted of about 8,000 people sleeping rough, approximately 50,000 unauthorised tenants and squatters, 137,000 single people in hostels or lodgings, 77,000 insecure private tenants and about 1,200,000 people living with friends or relatives who needed a home of their own†. Although, not all of these groups would be left out from statistics on Low Income Families, but nevertheless, the rise in all types of homelessness would make a huge difference to the figures if the homeless were included. By this, it can be argued that some of the homeless are suffering from absolute poverty since they do not even have adequate shelter (Haralambos et al; 1995). The provision of more adequate forms of housing is of key importance in tackling homelessness, whether the housing is directly sponsored by the government or not (Giddens, 1997). According to Giddens, (1997) â€Å"regardless of why people are on the streets, giving them a place to live that offers a modicum of privacy and stability is usually the most important thing we can do to improve their lives. Without stable housing, nothing else is likely to work†. The National Assistance Act 1948 ended the Poor Law structure which supported the poor. However, it did not clearly deal with the homeless. For those who were without roofs over their heads they were dealt with by the social services departments (Walsh et al; 2000). As the housing departments felt they had no obligations to house homeless people, and with approximately 2 million people with inadequate or no housing at all after the Second World War (Walsh et al; 2000). By the late 1940s Britain witnessed some of the most serious civil disobedience towards the government, when thousands of people decided to squat on disused military bases and in empty properties (Walsh et al; 2000). Furthermore, the government ignored the problem of homelessness right through the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s (Walsh et al; 2000). Successive governments either denied there was an issue with homelessness, or they saw the homeless, as people who had brought this condition upon themselves (Walsh et al; 2000). Meanwhile, families who were taken as being homeless by the local authority social services department were housed in temporary or emergency accommodation until they could solve their own housing situations. Furthermore, after a period of time, if their situation had not improved and suitable accommodation found, children were at risk of being taken into care (Walsh et al; 2000). However, in 1977 a private members bill was passed by parliament which recognised homelessness, and set up a supporting structure for dealing with the problem. The Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 was an important way forward to accepting the problems which poor people faced in obtaining housing (Walsh et al; 2000). According, to Carnwath, (1978), â€Å"The words ‘homeless and ‘homelessness, have been used in widely different contexts. They are sometimes used to include all those living in unsatisfactory conditions. Too wide a definition of homeless could tend to obscure the pressing needs of those who are literally without shelter, or are likely to lose in the immediate future what shelter they have†. Furthermore, Carnwath, (1978), The Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 â€Å"transfers statutory responsibility for the homeless from social services authorities to housing authorities. It has become widely accepted over recent years that homelessness is primarily a housing problem, and the primary responsibility for dealing with it should therefore lie with housing authorities, who are naturally better equipped than social services authorities to provide a permanent solution. The effect of the Act will be to ensure that dealing with the problems of homeless will rightly become a normal part of day-to-day housing activities of every housing authority in the country†. The Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 according to Walsh et al; (2000) â€Å"imposed a duty on local authorities to provide permanent accommodation for homeless families who were defined as belonging to ‘priority groups and to give ‘advice and assistance to other homeless people. A person or family was defined as homeless if they had no legal right to housing or if threats of violence prevented them from exercising that right†. Furthermore, Walsh et al; (2000) â€Å"In defining homelessness, the quality of housing was not taken into account, so people living in overcrowded housing, or even accommodation that was injurious to health, were not counted as homeless. The priority groups that had to be provided with permanent housing were, families with children, pregnant women and people sharing their households which could include a male partner, disabled people and elderly people†. In order to obtain housing, the priority groups had to prove to the authorities that they were not deliberately homeless. There was also concern that the Act was being manipulated by people in order to be placed on the ‘priority list (Walsh et al; 2000). This affected the chances of people on the ‘ordinary waiting list and who were living in poor conditions from being considered for housing as their conditions were not grounds for obtaining housing (Walsh et al; 2000). As a consequence of this a tightening-up of the provision of housing for the homeless was introduced (Walsh et al; 2000). Although more attention was being directed towards the young, single mothers who were jumping the housing lists and given priority, less notice was given to the volume of council houses being purchased by existing tenants in the 1980s and the fall in local-authority house-building, resulting in less properties available for rent (Walsh et al; 2000). The properties which had not been purchased and available for rent were on less desirable estates, and often the homeless were placed there (Walsh et al; 2000). By 1996, over 42% of all new local authority tenants were being attracted from the priority homeless groups (Walsh et al; 2000). By the mid-1990s there was strong disagreements to the 1977 and 1985 Acts and the Conservative government introduced the Housing Act 1996 (Walsh et al; 2000). The new Act according to Walsh et al; (2000) â€Å"introduced some very significant changes which made it more difficult for the homeless to be housed permanently. The definitions of homelessness and priority groups were largely retained, but instead of permanent accommodation, local authorities were only obliged to provide temporary accommodation for two years†. During that period, the persons or families in question had to make satisfactory attempts to re-house themselves, as the local authority were not required to provide continuing accommodation (Walsh et al; 2000). Furthermore, according to Walsh et al; (2000), â€Å"the accommodation that the local authorities would provide on a temporary basis was largely to be outside the local authority housing stock. The homeless were therefore to be housed in the private for-rent market, if that was possible, or in hostels, or in housing association properties†. With the decrease in size of the local authority housing stock and the governments Homeless Initiative of 1989 which allocated an extra  £250 million to reduce homelessness in England over a two year period, was directed at London and the South East, which were the main problem area (Balchin, 1995). Of this sum  £177 million went to local authorities to repair their empty properties and lease houses in the private sector for short term housing, and  £73 million to the housing associations for the same purpose (Balchin, 1995). Furthermore, voluntary groups were given grants to help the homeless, which totalled  £2 million in 1990-91 and  £6.1 million in 1992-93 (Balchin, 1995). A rough Sleepers initiative was started in June 1990 with an allocation of  £96 million over a period of three years, with a further  £86 million in 1992 to further the initiative until 1996 (Balchin, 1995). The funds provided hostel spaces and created more permanent move-on accommodation for peop le leaving hostel accommodation. More money was given to local authorities to increase the total number of places for former rough-sleepers in housing leased from private owners (Balchin, 1995). According to Balchin, (1995) â€Å"By mid-1992, the Rough Sleepers Initiative had provided about 850 places in hostels and over 1,200 in move-on accommodation, and a further 1,300 permanent places by December 1993. It is probable that the initiative was largely responsible for reducing the number of people sleeping rough in Central London from 1,046 in January 1991 to 440 in March 1992†. However, with the improvements success, the initiative had only a slight effect on the total problem of homelessness. At the time of its launch, Shelter, according to Balchin, (1995) dubbed it a â€Å"sticking plaster over the wound of Britains growing housing shortage, while the Institute of Housing said that the initiative was ‘calamine lotion to cover the spots†. In December 1989 extra measures to tackle homelessness was announced in Wales. To use the Homelessness Reserve of over  £4 million in an effective way, local authorities were encouraged to submit offers involving partnership schemes with housing associations, and support for voluntary organisations was increased to  £580,000 in 1992-93 (Balchin, 1995). A three year programme to help young single homeless people in Cardiff to find and retain permanent accommodation was started worth  £800, 000 (Balchin, 1995). Meanwhile, in Scotland  £15 million was allocated in the early 1990s to fund projects to tackle homelessness (Balchin, 1995). In 1992-93,  £7.5 billion was spent funding 44 projects which included the supply of emergency hostels, follow-on accommodation, and furnished tenancies in Edinburgh and other places, which provided accommodation for 700 homeless people. Other measures to deal with homelessness included the Flats over Shops Initiative and a system to use homes repossessed by mortgage lenders for accommodating homeless families (Balchin, 1995). However, according to Balchin, (1995), â€Å"The policy measures involved comparatively little public expenditure. The largest of these, the Homeless Initiative, involved expenditure of only  £250 million ‘a paltry sum when measured against the scale of the problem, it was clear that the government was ‘skimming the surface of the problem, instead of tackling the root cause by investing more money in housing†. The Homelessness Act, (2002) which forms the main part of the governments plan for dealing with homelessness in England and Wales, gives more protection to those who are in priority need for housing, such as families, and gives people more choice in the housing they are allocated. The Act furthers the list to include 16 and 17 year olds and 18 to 21 years old who are care-leavers, as well as people who are vulnerable as a result of fleeing violence. Local authorities have a duty to carry out a homeless review, and develop a homeless strategy for the area to prevent homelessness, and provide accommodation and support to people who are or may find themselves homeless. Furthermore, the Homelessness Act, (2002) is considered to be the most important piece of government legislation introduced on housing and homelessness since the Housing Act 1996. Under the Housing Act 1996 (Part VII) and the Homelessness Act 2002 councils must make enquiries to decide what legal housing obligations they have towards a person, and what other help they are entitled to receive as a result of their homelessness application. According, to Communities and Local Government, (2008) â€Å"An extra  £9.6 million to help rough sleepers make a permanent move away from the street was announced by Housing Minister Caroline Flint. The funding will support an additional 11 projects and 2 existing ones to improve and build new hostels and homelessness services across the country, helping homeless people back into independent living by giving them new skills and training†. Furthermore, according to Communities and Local Government, (2008), â€Å"It brings the total investment under the Governments Places of Change Programme to  £80 million over the next three years which will deliver 80 schemes, transforming hostels and homelessness services†. The Housing Minister visited the newly refurbished St. Mungos Endell Street Homeless hostel, which was given  £3.24 million under the previous round of programme, to find out from the residents how the centre had made a difference to their lives (Communities and Local Government, 2008). According to Balchin, (1995) â€Å"It is therefore important to increase the supply of low-cost housing by putting empty houses back into use and to embark upon new house building programmes. Outside of central government, there have been several initiatives taken to reduce the number of empty dwellings. Funded by voluntary organisations, the Empty Homes Agency was set up in 1991 in an attempt to accommodate homeless families in some of the countrys then, 760,000empty houses and flats. The agency aimed to put the owners of empty houses in touch with housing associations subsequently letting them to homeless people nominated by local authorities†. Homelessness acceptance figures show that they have gone down gradually from 35,770 in the third quarter of 2003 to 15,240 during October and December 2007. This is due to effective homelessness strategies and prevention methods implemented by Local Authorities in England (Communities and Local Government, 2008). Statutory Homeless Statistics for 0ctober to December 2007 were down 12 per cent in acceptances compared with the same period the previous year (Communities and Local Government, 2008) Furthermore, the number of people living in temporary accommodation has gone down since the end of 2005, after a time when the figure had stayed the same at around 101,000 and was below 80,000 at the end of December 2007 (Communities and Local Government, 2008). Other statistics show that 87 per cent of households were in self-contained accommodation, 66 per cent in private sector accommodation, 20 per cent in accommodation by social landlords and 9 per cent were in hostel accommodation and womens refuges. Just 5 per cent of households in temporary accommodation were in bed and breakfast accommodation (Communities and Local Government, 2008). And also, 76 per cent of households in temporary accommodation included dependent children and 92 per cent of these were in self-contained accommodation. (Communities and Local Government, 2008) As the prevention of homelessness is a priority for the government they aim to reducing the number of households in temporary accommodation to 50,500 by 2010 (Communities and Local Government, 2008). Since July to September 2003 the figure of households accepted as homeless under the homelessness legislation has gone down by 54 per cent and the number of households in temporary accommodation has fallen below 83,000, the lowest level since July 2002 (Communities and Local Government, 2008). These achievements are due to huge Government investment in services to prevent homelessness and also by continually supporting local authorities and voluntary sector agencies (Communities and Local Government, 2008). The Governments funding for local authority homelessness grants has increased by 23 per cent from  £60 million in 2005-06 to  £74 million in 2007-08, thus bringing the total investment in prevention to  £200 million over three years (Communities and Local Government, 2008). In conclusion, there have been significant policies implemented across the UK to deal with homelessness in recent years, and with legislations from the government and strategies from authorities to tackle homelessness the governments target of reducing the number of households in temporary accommodation will be achieved by the date set. References Balchin, P. (1995). Housing Policy an introduction, Routledge, London Carnwath, R. (1978). A Guide to the HOUSING (Homeless Persons) ACT 1977. Charles Knight @ Company Ltd. London Communities and Local Government, (2008), Housing. ‘Tackling and Preventing Homelessness. Available at: Communities and Local Government, (2008), Housing. Homelessness trends, Homelessness ‘Acceptances. Available at: Giddens, A. (1997). Sociology. Polity Press: Cambridge Haralambos, M; Holborn, M. and Heald, R. (1995). Sociology Themes and Perspectives, Collins Educational, London Homelessness Act, (2002). Available at: Walsh, M; Stephens, P. and Moore, S. (2000), Social Policy and Welfare. Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. Cheltenham

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Behaviourism And The Psychodynamic Approach Psychology Essay

Behaviourism And The Psychodynamic Approach Psychology Essay Behaviourism is mostly about observable behaviours and views how learning is through association, seen in Classical Conditioning and through behaviour reinforcement, as in Operant Conditioning (B F Skinner, 1938). The Psychodynamic Approach (Sigmund Freud, writing between the 1890s and the 1930s) views all behaviours as being controlled by thought processes of the mind. (Cardwell et al. 2004) Behaviourism primarily looks at behaviours that can be seen, and states that we are born with a mind like an empty wipe board (tabula rasa) and all of our behaviours are acquired from what goes on around us in our environment (McLeod. 2007). The following outlines two learning theories. Classical conditioning is a type of learning that occurs through association. An unconditioned stimulus results in an unconditioned response, and the theory is that the same response can be evoked by a conditioned stimulus. (Learning Theories Knowledgebase. 2012). Operant conditioning is about learning through reinforcement (positive or negative rewards and punishment) from the environment. Learning is a progressive activity that starts by rewarding behaviour that is associated to any wanted outcome (Cardwell et al. 2004). This happens quite naturally without any awareness, for example in praising children for milestone achievements like using the potty. One key research study of learning theories is classical conditioning and Ivan Pavlovs Dog experiment (1927). This involved investigating how the dogs learnt through association. The following stages were used, with the repetition of the unconditioned with the conditioned stimulus being used together. In the first stage, before conditioning, when the dogs are given the unconditioned stimulus (dog food) this results in salivation, the unconditioned response this is a natural response. In the next stage, the conditioned stimulus (the bell) was introduced with the unconditioned stimulus (dog food) and the dogs salivated, the unconditioned response. In the final stage, once the conditioned stimulus (the bell) was introduced without the dog food, the dogs still salivated, the conditioned response not a natural response for a bell being given at meal times instead of food (Atherton. 2011). Generalisation can also be seen in classical conditioning, as the conditioned stimulus, the bell in this case, could be changed to a bell with a different sound and the conditioned response would remain; although it would however weaken over a period of time, if the bell continuously changed (Gross. 1988). An example of everyday classical conditioning would be through the use of advertising. An advertisement comes on the television for a bar of chocolate which you love. This arouses a feeling of hunger and craving for some chocolate. One of psychologys most important contributions of behaviourism was the theory of classical conditioning. Behavioural therapies came about in the 1950s as a result of this and many treatments are used today for mental health; behaviour moderation; phobias, and anxiety related conditions (Cardwell et al. 2004). Positive and negative reinforcement in operant conditioning has also been extremely useful when working with children who have additional needs or autistic spectrum disorders, as it enables maladaptive behaviour to be modified or reshaped. Government guidelines implemented within policies and procedures in childcare settings, have been based around the perspectives of behaviourism (Tassoni et al. 2010). However, as the scientific experiments applied the use of animals in controlled laboratory conditions, this limits findings relevant to the real-life situations of humans, so is reductionist. Behaviourism does not take into account actions of the mind either, so psychology as a science is unable to analyse anything it cannot openly observe. (McLeod. 2007). Other arguments are that some therapies will fail once treatments stop, as in aversion therapy, and in the treatment of flooding the individual needs to be in good health and if they were to be removed from treatment too early, it would lead to further reinforcement of the phobia they went in for in the first place (Cardwell et al. 2004). .The psychodynamic approach (Sigmund Freud 1856 -1939) believes that behaviour is part of unconscious thought processes and is imbedded by our childhood experiences. Stricker and Widiger (2003) talk about layers of the mind; the conscious, imagined as the smallest part the tip of an iceberg, where all present awareness is; the preconscious, a larger part just below the water line of an iceberg, where memories and thoughts can be accessed easily by the conscious, and the unconscious, the largest part of an iceberg that is well immersed below the water, where repressed memories and inappropriate desires are held unavailable to us. Freud describes personality as being structured in to three different parts: Id, present from birth, works on instinct and the principals of pleasure; Ego, at age one three years, keeps in touch with the real world and satisfies the Id in a realistic, appropriate way; and Superego, age three six years, where our morality oversees our personality in relati on to our environment. According to Freud, another key aspect of theory is that of psychosexual development. The stages of this theory are the Oral stage, where the mouth is the first area of pleasure; the Anal stage, where the second area of pleasure is the anus this stage is important around toilet training, and the Phallic stage, where the focus of pleasure is with the genitals. This stage also encounters gender identity development and the Oedipus complex (where boys become attracted to their mothers and fearful of their fathers). If too much or too little satisfaction is received through these stages, we become obsessed and persist with the same demands during the rest of our life, resulting in neurotic behaviours (Cardwell et al. 2004). One key study by Freud (1909) was on Little Hans, the child of a friend of Freud whom he never actually met. He was five years old. He became fearful of horses to the extent that he would no longer go in to the street. White horses, that wore blinkers and had black colouring around the mouth, were feared most. As Hans was in the phallic stage of his development and therefore in the Oedipus Complex, according to Freud, the belief was that he was actually afraid of his father not the horses. This assumption was reached as Hans father wore glasses; these could be associated with the blinkers, and he also had a moustache; this could represent the black around the horses mouth. (Cardwell and Flanagan. 2004) The progression of Psychotherapy has been a substantial contribution of the psychodynamic approach, as Freuds psychoanalytical therapy, which sees mild psychiatric disorders in adults such as anxiety and eating disorders, and some depressions, as deeply hidden childhood problems. Patients are helped by creating an ideal environment in which to draw out these concerns into the conscious mind, where they can then be explored, tackled and resolved. Disadvantages of psychodynamic therapies are that treatment can be over many years and is therefore expensive and unrealistic. Therapies are not suitable for all psychological disorders, mainly just those that come under neuroses. Also, uncovering the past can cause more emotional stress than the current problem holds for the patient. Behaviourism has contributed to therapies that we still use today. One of the therapies based on classical conditioning is Systematic Desensitisation (Wolpe. 1958). This method helps with phobias and anxieties by using deep relaxation and replacing a fearful reaction with a response that is unable to exist with fear. Another therapy is Implosion and Flooding where the individuals phobic object is revealed with no reduction in anxiety and no relaxation. The purpose is that high levels of anxiety cannot be maintained for a long period of time, so start to diminish along with the realisation that nothing bad has happened to them, so the fear should dissipate. A technique called Aversion Therapy is also based on classical conditioning and is used to remove unwanted behaviours like alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. These behaviours are associated with an unpleasant stimulus in an attempt to remove them. For instance, a cigarette may have a nausea-inducing substance which in turn pai rs the feeling of nausea with tobacco. Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy is widely used and elements of it originate from behaviourism. It looks at the individuals beliefs and rational or irrational thought patterns and then the consequences of these, if desirable or undesirable emotions come about leading to desirable or undesirable behaviour. Once these have been recognised, the therapist and the client work on the issues together. (Gross. 1987) Contributions of the psychodynamic approach include Free Association, in which the individual allows feelings, thoughts and images to free-flow, with the therapist out of sight who will interrupt occasionally to get reflections with the implications of the associations. The theory is that the internal conflict will reveal itself in the associations. Boker (1992) believes psychodynamic therapy is also helpful to patients will schizophrenia, whilst taking phenothiazines, as this medication enables them to be more available (Cardwell et al. 2004). Another contribution is Play Therapy, characterised by Sweeney and Landreth (2003) as child-centred play therapy. The therapists objective is to allow the child to release their inner disturbances by bringing out the experiences through play rather than being the victim (McMonigle. 2008). It can be seen therefore that behaviourists treat existing problems; whereas in contrast, the psychodynamic approach wants to find the route of the problem. Both of these approaches have influenced modern practices.

Multicultural Education Essay -- Sociology, Ethnic Differences, Equali

Multicultural Children’s Literature Multicultural education must be integrated into the curriculum and focus on the appreciation of all cultures and ethnic differences. Much research has been documented supporting the use of high quality multicultural children’s literature as a powerful medium to develop varying cross-cultural understandings of perspectives concerning cultures, roles, insights, traditions and beliefs (Au, 2001; Callins, 2006; Howrey & Whelan, 2009; Lowery & Sabis-Burns, 2007; Mei-yun, 2007) . Teachers also can use multicultural literature depicting children's worlds as a means to bridge home and school cultures personally as well that of the students. Within Howrey and Whelan’s (2009) research project, utilization of multicultural children’s literature was used to enhance teachers to become culturally responsive educators. â€Å"According to Villegas and Lucas (2002), exposure to the literature of different groups can give future teachers access to the rich textures of people†™s lives, hopes, aspirations, dreams, disappointments, pains, and joys† (p. 27). Literature can be a powerful vehicle for understanding cultures and experiences different from our own. Howrey and Whelan (2009) research analysis concluded that multicultural children’s literature provides not only â€Å"a mirror on one culture and a window to another† for children, but for adults as well. (p. 132). In parallel, the work of Evans (2010) highlights the use of multicultural literature to address racial, ethnic, and linguistic equality. In this qualitative study, demonstrated that through using an innovative critical literacy practice with multicultural literature, students’ awareness and understanding of others was positively impacted. Over a period of ti... ... diversity of our society and understand that all teachers enter the classrooms with personal social identities and cultural biases. Respecting, valuing, and celebrating personal and students’ unique strengths foster in creating equitable classroom communities. Taking the time to develop appropriate knowledge bases, having high expectations for all students, providing a welcoming environment, and working with family members and the community, depict a multicultural classroom atmosphere. Sheets (2009) provides on culturally responsive instruction, â€Å"it is important to become conscious that the arduous journey from novice to expert requires hard work, relentless commitment, and a high investment of time and energy† (p. 17). All teachers must continually acquire the ability to apply and translate ideologies immersed within diversity to enable all students to achieve.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Kofi Annans effects on Canada trip :: essays research papers fc

Introduction Mr. Kofi Annan is, I feel, one of the most important people in mankind today. He is the Secretary-General of The United Nations. Last March, he came to deliver a speech on Canada’s position in the world. He thanked and congratulated us on what we have done in the world. He also admits that more needs to be done by rich nations like us. This I feel will spark some controversy because I feel Canada has done enough for the world and the UN should be satisfied with their efforts. I feel Mr. Kofi Annan’s speech will inspire and motivate the rest of The United Nations (it’s countries) and even us to keep committing or even add even more to what each and every one of us do. The proposal by Mr. Kofi Annan may bring many different advantages in helping our mixed up world. First, I feel it may get countries like the USA to get up off their stubborn behinds to start helping other nations instead of calling war on every one of them. The USA may feel that they are slowing or stopping terrorist activities worldwide, but they are only increasing the number of terrorist activities since they declared war on terrorism. They decide to concentrate places where there isn’t very much terrorist activity or even any hostility. Places like Afghanistan or Iraq may have had militants but they were not an immediate threat to anyone. They should have occupied places where help is needed most like in the Middle East where clashes between Palestinians and Israel h ave been numerous and brutal to this day. Maybe by listening to the speech the USA will see that there are other ways of helping the world besides bombing anyone they don’t like.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This speech may let Canada know that they’re role in the world is greatly appreciated which may lead to a greater participation with The United Nations and other poorer nations. We have been an outstanding part of the development of many developing nations such as Afghanistan, Iraq and some African nations. When we realize that we had not been just making our selves look good politically, we were making a huge difference. I can just see in the future Canada getting world support in the event of a crisis just as we have aided many others. I can just see the Chinese, the Russians the Germans, the French and the English running to our aid in the event of a disaster of any kind.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Importance in policy developments

AbstractionThe construct of hazard has assumed extreme importance in policy developments is several subjects. There is a broad scope of literature on hazard in several Fieldss runing from scientific disciplines to humanistic disciplines. This construct means different things to different people depending on how it is perceived. Risk perceptual experience is a consequence of several factors and this has deductions for policy development. This paper attempts to specify the significance of hazard and its building in some contexts. It besides explores a few instance surveies on how human perceptual experience, prejudice, communicating and civilization can hold impacts on the effectivity of hazard direction.IntroductionIn the last two decennaries, public concern about the construct of hazard of has been given extended media coverage with frequent contentions. Every twenty-four hours we are warned about unseeable jeopardies, clime alteration, diseases and toxic waste etc. We worry about da ngers in the workplace, in our places and even about the nutrient we eat. Most human existences engage in several signifiers of unsafe ventures and this fact has prompted research workers to try happen out how people understand hazard. Everyone seeks to pull off hazard because we do non cognize for certain what the result of events will be ( Adams 1995 ) This merely means that in any given state of affairs, an inauspicious result may or may non go on and causative factors skew the chances of diverse results ( Graham and Rhomberg 1996 ) Based on this, hazard appraisal has become a moneymaking subject affecting a web of complex and controversial procedures of measuring uncertainnesss, pass oning information about possible hazards and developing controls or extenuation steps. The rating of hazard requires interpretative opinion in the face of technological and scientific and societal contentions. The construct of & A ; lsquo ; hazard ‘ has become important to the field of policy development within several subjects such as Agriculture, Medicine, Business and Natural Hazards etc. Broad footings like hazard direction presume an appreciable degree of apprehension of the construct of hazard and how it can be measured. I t besides assumes some degree of understanding on how it should be managed. These decisions are based on bold premises. There exists huge literature on hazard covering a broad scope of Fieldss in both scientific disciplines and humanistic disciplines. All these angles can and make lend to a better apprehension of how hazard is constructed, perceived and managed by experts. This paper attempts to research the assorted definitions of the significance of hazard, and how hazard is constructed and used in some context in order to hold a better apprehension of how human perceptual experience, prejudice, heuristics, communicating and civilization impact on the effectivity of hazard direction. Hazard is a really wide construct so and its enormousness should non be underestimated. Hazard touches on the most profound facets of Psychology, Mathematics, Statistics and History. Literature on hazard is monumental and each brings up new countries of involvement ( Bernstein 1996 ) The designation of cardinal issues relevant to policy shapers and interest holders interested in issues associating to put on the line analyses and hazard direction is really of import. Effective hazard direction requires appraisal of inherently unsure events and fortunes, typically turn toing two dimensions: how probably the uncertainness is to happen ( chance ) , and what the consequence would be if it happened ( impact ) . While unambiguous models can be developed for impact appraisal, chance appraisal is frequently less clear. This is peculiarly true for undertakings where informations on hazard chance from old undertakings is either non available or non relevant. The credibleness and value of the hazard procedure is enhanced if informations are collected with attention, taking the clip and utilizing the tools that are needed decently to develop information based on judgemental inputs. Conversely, the procedure is undermined when chance appraisal appears to be entirely subjective. It is hence of import to be able to measure chance with some grade of assurance.DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF RISKHazard is a normally used term. It has been technically and convent ionally defined as a combination of the chance, or frequence, of happening of a defined jeopardy and the magnitude of the effects, should that jeopardy or event occur. This definition attempts to inquire how frequently a peculiar potentially harmful event is traveling to happen and the effects of the happening ( Harding 1998: 167 ) This definitions appears rather simple. However, the definition of the construct of hazard has been and is still contested. In recent old ages, the construct of hazard has assumed more importance than was antecedently the instance. Hazard has been defined in figure of ways but is frequently seen as the likeliness that a individual will see the consequence of danger ( Short Junior 1984 ) Economists view hazard as a manifestation of lower incomes or higher outgo that expected. This can be a consequence of several factors. For illustration, the sudden hiking in the monetary values of natural stuffs used for production, the backsliding of a deadline for the building of a new installation, breaks in the procedure of production, the loss of cardinal forces, the alteration of a political government or even natural catastrophes etc ( Luhmann 1996: 3 ) Hazard is besides seen as the combination of the likeliness of an happening of a risky event or exposure and the strength or badness of the impact that can be caused by the event or exposure ( OHSAS 18001 2007 ) . That is Risk = ( Probability of event happening ) ten ( Impact of event happening ) . This attack to the construct of hazard has become common today in Fieldss like atomic power and the chemical industry. The term & A ; lsquo ; Risk Society ‘ was proposed by Ulrich Beck in 1992, in placing a signifier of catastrophe hazard associated with industrialisation and utmost extremely improbable, risky events. This place assumes that we are in a state of affairs of really low chance of earnestly awful events. ( Douglas and Wildavsky 1982: 39 ) . This conceptual displacement it peculiarly important because it has deductions for policy shapers if the more negative perceptual experiences of the term hazard, assume widespread social position. Another angle of perceptual experience sees risk as being a map of the chance of the specified natural jeopardy event and the exposure of cultural entities ( Chapman 1994 ) . It has besides been seen in industry as being equal to the merchandise of frequence and effects. This definition suggests an outlook of system failure. Risk direction on the other manus is about guaranting that events that happen frequently must hold low effects, or events that have serious effects must be rare. ( Ballad 1992: 100 ) This attack is consistent with the construct of a preset degree of hazard which can be managed. The assorted positions and perceptual experiences of hazard lend acceptance to the fact that hazard is non something that can be subjected to objective quantification or a individual definition, but is instead socially constructed. It can be referred to as a human construct borne as a consequence of the demand to understand and get by with the dangers and uncertainnesss of life. Although these dangers are existent, there is no such thing as existent or nonsubjective hazard. For illustration the atomic applied scientists risk estimation of a atomic accident is likely based on theoretical theoretical accounts with subjective construction and inputs based on sheer premise. There are several angles from which hazard can be viewed. Let us see an attack that considers a three tier system of identifying, measuring and incorporating hazard. This method assumes that hazards exist out at that place and are to be found and dealt with. Management of hazard here involves taking the right stairss and theory helps in this way. This can be said to be the hypotheses behind both traditional and the more recent critical literature and it believes that the designation of possible hazards is the critical first measure in pull offing them. ( Smith et all 2001 ) Another school of idea believes this nonsubjective construct of hazard is erroneous and is endangering in its rigidness. This nonsubjective position of hazard supposes that hazard can be wholly controlled. It besides suggests that on completion of the digest of the list of hazards, the theoretical undertaking is complete and the direction facet is following in line. The combination of these factors leads to the creative activity of a false sense of security that may take to redundancy of the portion of directors which in itself constitutes an even bigger hazard. The societal school of idea believes hazard is socially constructed depending on societal understandings and on different perceptual experiences. It should nevertheless be ascribed to peculiar scenes or state of affairss to do it existent. Sociological literature sees hazard as a construct developed through human actions and that there are dangers that could be avoided. Hazards are consequences of actions that are neither necessary nor impossible ; they are contingent and depend on human actions. ( Thompson 1985 ) All constructs of hazard have a common factor, which is a differentiation between world and possibility. The nature of hazard becomes clearer when one differentiates it from related constructs of uncertainness, danger and opportunity. Uncertainty refers to the deficiency of cognition of the hereafter, merely put, it is unknown. Uncertainty is closely related to hazard and theories ‘ associating to behaviour, uncertainness in psychological footings is seen to be a critical spell between of human response in state of affairss of unknown results. Uncertainty is psychologically constructed and it exists merely in the head of a individual whose cognition is uncomplete. Afterall, if cognition was complete so there would be no uncertainnesss. The contrast between danger and hazard is based on the fact that danger is seen to be out of the control of the determination shaper while hazard can be affected to an extent. A clear differentiation is that hazard refers to action while dangers are nonsubjective entities beyond human control. ( Somen 1993: 130 ) Opportunity is seen as portion of hazard and can stand for potentially positive developments. This merely means hazard is taken with the cognition that the consequences could convey about possible benefits or losingss. The rating of the construct of hazard and the ensuing action depend on the perceptual experience of hazard. ( Lytinen et all 1998: 235 ) The degree of control that the determination shaper appears to hold about the result of an event is one factor that influences hazard perceptual experience. The more control he appears to hold, the less terrible the hazard is perceived to be. If hazards depend on perceptual experience, so they become subjective and so they become hard to exteriorize. ( Beck 1986: 103 ) The fact that we do non cognize what the hereafter holds weakens the constitution of a complete list of factors. A important displacement in the societal building of hazard is the fact that chance is now seen as portion of the construct of hazard. Some definitions discuss menaces and losingss while others that represent this displacement include chances in their definitions. ( Smith et all 2001 ) Based on these, hazard can merely be spoken of with mention to peculiar scenes. They can non be absolute but curious to peculiar scenes or state of affairss.RISK PERCEPTION AND MANAGEMENTThere has been a big sum of research carried out on the perceptual experience of hazard by worlds, how they live with it and pull off it. The angel of hazard perceptual experience finally determines the method of direction. This merely means hazard will be managed based on the position from which it is viewed. Hazard perceptual experience refers to the subjective opinions that people make about the features and badness of hazard. It is largely used in mention to natural jeopardies, environment and wellness. The major theories developed in the country of hazard perceptual experience are the psychological or heuristics, sociological and cultural attacks. The survey of hazard perceptual experience was borne out of the fact that experts and laic people likewise disagreed on how hazardous engineerings and natural jeopardies truly were. Risk perceptual experience appeared on the phase of policy development as a really of import construct in the 1960 ‘s. It was implicated as a chief determiner of public resistance to engineering, most notably to atomic engineering. This resistance was borne out of fright of dangers to the environment every bit good as catastrophes that the creative activity of radioactive barrens could convey approximately, but other early illustrations can be given every bit good ( Martin, 1989 ) . In Sweden and Norway, Parliamentarians now devote about three times every bit much attending to put on the line issues as they did in the first half of the 60 ‘s, as reflected in their submitted private measures. Several efforts were made to manage the hard state of affairs that the unexpected public resistance to the new engineering had caused. ( Sowby 1965 ) proposed that comparings should be made between different sorts of perceived hazard. His thought was that the hazard involved with, smoke, driving a auto or utilizing public agencies of conveyance was far higher than that of exposure to atomic accidents. This nevertheless had really small consequence in doing people accept atomic engineering hazard. A deeper probe of hazard perceptual experience revealed that people were willing to accept hazard to the extent that they were tied to benefits ( Starr 1969 ) . This attack gave rise to involvement in & A ; lsquo ; Risk Management ‘ and an waking up of involvements in how people perceive, tolerate and accept hazard. Risk perceptual experience now became an obstruction to determination devising, because people came to believe hazards existed where they truly did non. This was the positi on of the experts and the dissension between the populace and adept perceptual experience of hazard is the root cause of the jobs that have plagued hazard direction. Several bookmans have attempted to analyze hazard perceptual experience in greater item. In the 1970 ‘s, a group of psychologists became interested in happening out how people reacted with respects to put on the line. They carried out experimental surveies of chancing and in this field an effort was made to specify hazard as an abstract construct and to mensurate it by agencies of a psychological graduated table ( Lopez 1995 ) . This attack says something about how people react to lotteries but small or nil about inquiry of hazard policy that was the chief concern of determination shapers. Risk Management can be considered to be the designation, appraisal and prioritization of hazard followed by co-ordinated and economical application of resources to minimise, proctor and command the chance and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximise the realisation of chances ( Douglas Hubbard 2009 ) Hazards can come uncertainness originating from assorted beginnings such as undertaking failures, recognition hazard, natural causes or catastrophes, accidents etc. Risk direction has besides been defined as the civilization, procedures and constructions that are directed towards the effectual direction of possible chances and possible inauspicious effects ( Standards Australia 1994: 4 ) . Several hazard direction criterions have been developed including the Project Management Institute, National Institute of Science and Technology, ISO criterions etc. These criterions vary widely harmonizing to the whether the hazard direction method relates to project direction, security, industrial procedures, fiscal portfolios, public wellness etc. Risk direction schemes include turning away of hazard, reassigning hazard, cut downing the negative impacts of hazard and accepting all or some of the impacts of a peculiar hazard. In an ideal hazard direction procedure, a prioritization procedure is carried in which the hazards with the highest impact and chance of happening are dealt with first while those with a lower chance of happening are dealt with afterwards. Practically, this can be really hard to transport out. Balancing hazards of high and low chances of happening can be really tasking and is frequently mishandled. Intangible hazard direction on the other manus identifies risks with really high chances of happening but have non been identified due to a deficiency of cognition by the directors or determination shapers. In a state of affairs where insufficient cognition is applied to a state of affairs another type of hazard referred to as & A ; lsquo ; cognition hazard ‘ is borne. This state of affairs proves fatal to put on the line direction attempts. Another type of hazard arises as a consequence of uneffective coaction between directors and or determination shapers and is referred to as & A ; lsquo ; relationship hazard ‘ Certain facets of criterions developed for hazard direction have come under unfavorable judgments because they are believed to hold no mensurable effects on hazard even though there has been a pronounced addition in assurance in determinations. Risk direction is seen as a critical portion of effectual direction. However, due to the deficiency of communicating and corporation between practicians in assorted Fieldss, a common apprehension of this construct is nonexistent. This has lead to a multi dimensional apprehension of the construct ( Kloman 1996 ) . This poses a large job for the development, constitution and acceptance of hazard direction as it is a really wide topic with several diverse subjects and subjects ( Lipworth 1996 ) . The development of a hazard direction frame work in isolation is likely to be uneffective unless determination shapers are committed to the integrating of the model to all concern activities and maps. This is done through the acceptance essentials elements like construction, scheme and civilization ( Smallman 1996 ) . This construction provides a general and consistent model for any organisation to develop a hazard direction map. The AS/NZS hazard direction frame work is a good illustration of such a models It is really of import here to advert that attention should be taken in the acceptance of a peculiar hazard appraisal or direction attack. Standardization should non direct or order peculiar methods as this would be unwanted, unrealistic and finally hamper wider credence ( Kloman 2000 ) . Several factors can straight impact on the effectivity of the procedure of hazard direction. The most outstanding of these factors are civilization, which to a great extent shapes perceptual experience and prejudice, heuristics and communicating. Culture is a wide term with a broad scope of definitions. However for the intent of this paper, we will specify civilization as the entirety of the ways of life of a people. With respects to an administration, civilization can be seen as a construct that describes the shared corporate values within an administration which influences the attitudes and behaviors of its members. Safety civilization is a portion of the overall civilization of the administration and is seen as impacting attitudes and beliefs of members in footings of wellness and safety public presentation ( Cooper 2000 ) . From several surveies, it has emerged that direction was the cardinal influence of an administration ‘s safety civilization. It was found that employees ‘ perceptual experience of direction concern towards safety, production and planning was the most utile agencies of mensurating an administration ‘s safety clime. This depends mostly on the interaction between direction and employees ( Thompson 1998 ) . A good illustration of how safety civilization can impact on effectual direction of hazard can be seen in the atomic power works detonation that occurred in Chernobyl, Soviet Union in April, 1986. This event demonstrated the ruinous hazards involved in the most advanced engineerings of all time created by worlds. Harmonizing to probes carried out, it was discovered that the detonation was as a consequence of human action ( Reason 1987 ) . A hapless safety civilization was prevalent at the works and this was reflective of the Soviet society at big. Both the Chernobyl works and its institutional context operated a civilization that had become unsighted towards the jeopardies inherent in atomic engineering. Communication with mention to put on the line refers to a procedure of sharing and interchanging information about sensed hazards between assorted cognition holders, determination shapers including research workers, technicians, directors, members of the populace, governments, media and involvement groups. The exchanged information can associate o the being, nature, signifier, likeliness, chance, badness and steps of response or other facets of hazard. Risk communicating is largely required when determination shapers do non keep all the information about the hazard in inquiry in order to do informed determinations. The motive for hazard communicating may change. It may be that determination shapers require more information in order to do determinations or that the public being cognizant of the hazard pro actively engage determination shapers in an attempt to acquire more information on doing informed determinations. There is an pressing demand to understand how members of the public perceive hazard in order to efficaciously pass on information refering to hazard. In the instance of terrorist act for case, communicating is really of import because any major information must be accompanied by instructions which must be followed by the generalization of the populace. Public hazard perceptual experience is greatly influenced by trust and as such credibleness is possibly the most important factor of hazard communicating ( Heldring 2004 ) . Trust is even more of import when communicating information about jeopardies or hazards that the percipient has really small cognition about. Possibly one of the greatest challenges confronting hazard communicators is integrating or showing the uncertainness in hazard estimations. Hazard comparings are typically given as point estimations, with really small or no indicant of variableness or uncertainness involved in the estimations of hazard. Harmonizing to most risk communicating counsel, hazard messages should non minimise uncertainness or information spreads, and countries of dissension among experts should be mentioned. The degree of assurance in hazard estimations should besides be discussed ( NRC 1989 ) . In the instance of the September 11 bombardments for illustration, unequal communicating may hold been the most powerful individual factor responsible for this incident. American security bureaus fed the populace with what they felt they needed to cognize alternatively of really affecting them in the determination devising procedure. In most instances, information passed to the populace may hold been manipulated to warrant determinations made by authorities and security bureaus. Naturally, this may hold built up misgiving in public perceptual experience about the existent presence of the hazard of terrorist act.Hazard REGISTERA hazard registry is a tool used within hazard direction for undertaking planning and hazard appraisal in the designation, analyses and direction of hazards. It contains information on identified and collected undertaking hazards identified by the undertaking squad in the appraisal of sensed hazards. It comprises a broad scope of contents and recommendations hav e been made by different professional organic structures such as Project Management Body of Knowledge ( PMBOK ) amongst others. Individual administrations besides provide their ain tools used as hazard registries because it is developed in relation to a specific activity or program. Typically, a hazard registry comprises, a hazard description, the impact should it happen, the chance of its happening, inside informations of planned response, extenuation steps or stairss taken in progress to cut down chance and or impact should the event occur and the ranking of hazards harmonizing to perceived precedence. There is nevertheless no standard list of constituents to be included in a hazard registry as contents can depend on the program of the squad, administration or individuals involved. It is recommended that a hazard registry be reviewed on a regular footing most particularly when come oning to the following phase of the hazard appraisal undertaking. The creative activity, care and use of a hazard registry are advantageous to project direction. A & A ; lsquo ; hazard evaluation matrix provides ‘ a speedy overview of hazard appraisal information derived from a hazard registry. An illustration of a hazard registry used by my group for a hazard appraisal undertaking is attached. The affiliated registry was developed by my group in the appraisal undertaking carried out to describe sphere specific edifice jeopardies, menaces and hazards in relation to the Lanchester library of Coventry University. The assessment attack used was considered equal based on the fact that group members agreed on both the contents of the hazard registry and on sensed hazards in different section associating to the edifice. It must be mentioned nevertheless that different hazard appraisal attacks work good in different state of affairss. Each of these attacks has its strengths and failings. This fluctuation displays the broad assortment of sentiments on hazard appraisal. There is a broad assortment of hazard hiting systems from qualitative to quantitative which efficaciously address a assortment of hazard appraisal attacks. There is nevertheless no indicant that one hazard appraisal attack is better than the other.DecisionRisk direction can no longer be viewed as an independent tool associating merely to fiscal or concern activities. It is most valuable when applied across several disciplined in a holistic mode. Bringing together all hazard appraisal attacks with common foreparts and using them in a robust mode. Institutions and administrations manage their personal businesss on a day-to-day footing and hazard direction is frequently seen as non adding value. Its application is now deriving more evidenc es as administrations now identify a sense of intent by doing usage of hazard appraisals. This has lead to its acceptance in the internal control systems of such administration and has greatly assisted direction in informed determination devising, improved communications and better apprehension of the hazards in and controls in their concern. The existent challenge nevertheless, lies in the integrating of the hazard profile into the strategic and be aftering corporate rhythm of these administrations.MentionsAuditor General Victoria ( 2003 ) & A ; lsquo ; Managing Risk across the Public Sector ‘ . Government Printer, Melbourne. Kloman, H.F. ( 1996 ) & A ; lsquo ; Risk direction criterions ‘ . Risk Management Reports [ online ] 23, ( 2 ) Available from[ 10 January 2010 ] Kloman, H.F. ( 1996 ) & A ; lsquo ; Risk direction: approach of age ‘ . Risk Management Reports [ online ] 23, ( 3 ) Available from[ 10 January 2010 ] Lipworth, S. ( 1996 ) & A ; lsquo ; Risk direction at the bosom of good corporate administration ‘ . Executive Accountant 23, ( 4 ) 7-8 McNamee, D. , Selim, G. ( 1999 ) & A ; lsquo ; The following measure in hazard direction ‘ . The Internal Auditor 56, ( 3 ) 35-8 Standards Australia ( 1999 ) & A ; lsquo ; Standards Australia AS/NZS 4360 Risk Management ‘ Standards Australia, Sydney. Sj & A ; ouml ; berg, L. ( 2000 ) & A ; lsquo ; Factors in hazard perceptual experience ‘ . Hazard Analysis 20, ( 1 ) 1-12. Lyytinen, K. , Mathiassen, L. , Ropponen, J. ( 1998 ) & A ; lsquo ; Attention Shaping and Software Risk- A Categorical Analysis of Four Classical Risk Management Approaches ‘ . Information Systems Research 9, ( 3 ) 233 – 254 Smith H. A. , McKeen J. D. , Staples D. S. ( 2001 ) & A ; lsquo ; Risk Management in Information Systems, Problems and Potentials ‘ . Communicationss of the Association for Information Systems, 7. Beck, U. ( 1992 ) Hazard society: towards a new modernness Theory, civilization & A ; society. London: Sage. Bernstein, P.L. ( 1996 ) Against the Supreme beings: The singular narrative of hazard. John Wiley: New York. Thompson, Paul B. ( 1985 ) & A ; lsquo ; Risking or Bing Willing: Hamlet and the DC-10 ‘ . The Journal of Value Inquiry 19, 301- 310 Douglas, M. , Wildavsky, A. ( 1982 ) Hazard and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers. University of California Press: Berkley Harding, R. ( 1998 ) Environmental decision-making: the functions of scientists, applied scientists and the populace. The Federation Press: Sydney Wikipedia ( 2008 ) Risk Register [ online ] available from[ June 2008 ]